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Idmon-d87kyt (1)

Idmon was one of two of the Argonauts' seers. Allegedly a son of Apollo, he had Abas (or Ampykus) as his mortal father (foster father). His mother was Asteria, daughter of Koronus, or Kyrene, or else Antianeira, daughter of Pheres. By Laothoe he had a son Thestor. Idmon was skilled in seeing the future by recognizing omens from birds (a method used by an augr) and burnt offerings.  Idmon foresaw his own death (being gored by a wild boar) in the Argonaut expedition but joined anyway. During the outbound voyage of Argo, a boar killed him in the land of the Mariandyni, in Bithynia.



Apollo & Asteria

Spouse & Lovers[]


